
Chisci Dental Center

The staff

The Chisci Dental Center is a health facility founded by Glauco Chisci and Elettra Chisci that offers dedicated services for all patient needs.
Here you will find constantly updated staff, wide availability of timetables for your needs and the safety of being treated by young professionals who work full time in the facility. The ministerial guidelines and the diagnosis of dental pathologies are the cornerstone of our dental clinic: the use of cutting-edge technology and digitization allows an optimization of services and care for the patient.
Each doctor who works in the practice deals with the branches of dentistry in which he is best prepared, passionate and specialized, in order to provide high quality services.

Dr. (Professor) Chisci Elettra

Dr. Chisci Glauco

Head of Secretary’s Office


Odontoiatra Master Universitario di 2 livello in endodonzia e odontoiatria restaurativa Università degli studi di Siena anno accademico 20/21

Dr.ssa Chiara Malpassi


Dr. Chisci Dafne

Assistente alla poltrona


Dental hygienist

Dr. Niki di Pietro

Dental assistant


Dental assistant




igienista dentale

Dr.ssa Chiara Abbafati

Join the staff

Work with us

In the Chisci Dental Center, the staff is carefully selected based on the clinical needs of the facility.

If you want to send your application, fill out the form and attach your CV in European format.