Oral hygiene clinic

Chisci Dental Center

Dentist Grosseto


The Chisci Dental Center in Grosseto applies prevention programs based on the guidelines of the Ministry of Health.
In addition, each patient receives personalized prevention based on their dental pathologies, risk factors and needs. A dedicated oral hygiene clinic is the cornerstone of prevention: each hygiene session is associated with a dental assessment of the state of dental and periodontal health, in order to carry out secondary prevention plans and to identify any pathologies early.
In this clinic, dentists and hygienists deal exclusively with oral hygiene for new appointments and for periodontal patients,without having to wait long for an appointment.


Aesthetic medicine


Feeling good about yourself is a constant struggle for any person, at any age.
It is not easy to live with physical defects, albeit slight and small, for this reason, we should learn to love ourselves.
We can do it in several ways, one of these is aesthetic medicine, a discipline that offers treatments for personal care, in small and simple steps that can change the way we look in the mirror, starting to appreciate our strengths more, because it was created and is used to enhance one’s self-image, without distorting the appearance.
The services that make it up are entirely reversible, pain-free and, as previously mentioned, enhance and strengthen the features of the face.
For more information contact the number 0564/1792563!


Digital impression scanning


At the Chisci dental center you can take the impressions of your teeth through a scanner!
It is a minimally invasive tool for the patient and quick to use for the dentist!
With this new machine there is no longer the discomfort or nausea caused by the old pasta and the session is much shorter than before!
In addition, seeing the scan of the mouth projected on the computer arouses a lot of sensation, curiosity and interest in patients, especially in children with whom, at times, it is more difficult to interact!


Conscious sedation


Overcoming the fear of the dentist together is one of our greatest goals.
Precisely for this reason, a new service has been introduced at the Chisci dental center: conscious sedation.
With this treatment we have the opportunity to interact with all types of patients to carry out more or less complex sessions. It is a non-invasive procedure, which allows to relieve anxiety and agitation and to proceed with the treatment of various pathologies.
The patient who undergoes it will have the sensation of extreme relaxation, without any fear.
Sedation is always accompanied by classic localized anesthesia.
This service is suitable for all age groups, for both children and adults.
Come and discover conscious sedation at the Chisci dentist center, call the number 0564/1792563

The staff

Chisci Dental Center

The Chisci Dental Center in Grosseto is a health facility founded by Glauco Chisci and Elettra Chisci that offers dedicated services for all patient needs. Here you will find constantly updated staff, wide availability of schedules for your needs and the safety of being treated by young Professionals working full time in the facility.
The ministerial guidelines and the diagnosis of dental pathologies are the cornerstone of our dentistry: the use of state-of-the-art technology and digitalization allows for the optimization of services and care for the patient.

Each doctor who works in the practice deals with the branches of dentistry in which he is most prepared, passionate and specialized, in order to provide high quality performance.

discover the staff

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