

Biorevitalization is an initial treatment of aesthetic medicine; a first approach to this world of well-being.
At the Chisci Dental Center, biorevitalization procedures are performed for aesthetic purposes: we believe that every patient should feel and see themselves valued without affecting their physical characteristics.

How does biorevitalization work? It’s very simple: this treatment stops skin aging with a totally innovative hydrating formulation, based on hyaluronic acid and glycerol! These two elements combined help limit the formation of wrinkles and scars, moisturize the tissues and redefine the texture for a youthful and radiant appearance without distorting your skin. ³ ⁴
With this process, youth and vitality are restored to the skin in a totally natural way.
It is not aimed at a clear change, but at a totally reversible and gradual well-being.
It is open to all people, except for pregnant women or those suffering from severe allergies.
For a visit or a consultation, book an appointment with Dr. Glauco Chisci at 0564 1792563 or by email

3. HA in rejuvenation: Bukhari et al., Int J Biol Macromolecules, 2018; 120:
4. Glycerol and hydration: korponyai C et al., Acta Derm Venerol, 2017; 97:182-187.