

Children 0-12 years:

Healthy from the first tooth: this is the motto at the Chisci Dental Center! For this reason, it is important to make the first visit to a dentist who deals with pediatric dentistry from an early age. Carrying out a check within the first 12 months of life is recommended by the guidelines of pediatric dentistry, in this way it is not only possible to assess the state of the teeth but also that the process of eruption of the teeth takes place in the correct time. It is also essential to educate and sensitize the new parents on the correct maneuvers of oral hygiene that is possible and important to implement from the first tooth, to build together a healthy mouth from birth.

As the child grows we follow him in his path, regular checks are also intended to accustom children from an early age to being visited and the dental environment, making him familiar, so that he is not afraid and when necessary knows how to face the treatments with serenity.

The importance of periodic visits should not be underestimated: they allow us to do prevention, intercept any pathologies at an early stage by implementing more conservative treatments, treat problems of skeletal growth and the function of the oral cavity.

The oral cavity performs many functions, including nutrition and phonation, both important especially in a growing subject.

Children undergo different stages of teething and every dental element, both milk and permanent is important and has its own role, so it must be taken care of.

Deciduous teeth are 20 between 4 months and about 24 months.

Then, about 5-6 years begins the first phase of barter, 8 teeth are lost in all (4 upper incisors and 4 lower incisors) and break out 4 permanent molars. This phase ends approximately at 8 years.

The second phase of barter can be variable, but usually begins towards 9-10 years and here the remaining milk teeth are lost, then the canines, premolars and second permanent molars erupt ending at 12-14 years.

Each of these phases has its relevance and it is important to verify that the timing of eruption occurs correctly as well as the skeletal growth of the jaw and jaw, to avoid more complex orthodontic problems to be treated later.

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